Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Episode 14 - Star Crossed

Episode 14 – Star Crossed


JOE PALENTI is finishing up final training and prep meetings with CRD March colleagues after touring the country’s tent cities. He is wrapping up a discussion with SENATOR JONES. On his way out a distressed AMELIA WHITE approaches him.

Again, you have done an amazing job in organizing and preparing this march and our campaign staff greatly appreciates all your support.

It’s been a group effort from the beginning. It takes teamwork to make the dream work, as they say. I feel pretty good about it, especially since our people got word that any sabotage that was planned by the special interests would no longer be an issue since the death of Kevin Ralphs.

Yes, yes, may he rest in peace. I hope they get to the bottom of what really happened but I am afraid that we may never know the truth of the situation.

Yeah, unfortunately there are still two tiers of justice – for those few with deep pockets who can afford to drag things out in court and the rest of us regular folks who usually get the full brunt of the law.

Regrettably that is still true in the late 21st century even after decades of progress. But we must have hope and take real actions to get our country back on track for all its citizens.

True, true, Senator, and soon to be President Jones. All the best - until we see each other at the march.

Yes Joe, from your mouth to God’s ear. Blessings be upon you and this important march. See you in a few weeks.

JOE departs the DC training center building, and as he walks outside toward his car, he is approached by a distraught AMELIA.

Mr. Palenti – Mr. Palenti!

Oh, Amelia, Amelia White – correct?

Yes and I am sure I am the last person you want to talk to but I am at wits end and really have no one else to speak with and…

It seems your Dad was up to something sinister. He was going to sabotage our march and possibly even hurt me, but his goons got carried away and killed Kevin Ralphs as a warning not to tell me his plans, which he already had anyways. Your powerful father’s plan backfired and then he threw his assistant Trevor Williams under the bus to protect himself. It was all sad and yet typical behavior of the greedy and insane.

Yes, Well, that’s not the official story right now and may never be but I know you’re right and speak the truth. I was supposed to have a date with poor Kevin the day after. You see Trevor called me from jail very upset and told me everything and swore he would get revenge on my father for screwing him. I too was questioned by the FBI after being publicly shamed by my own father after his lawyers released a home security surveillance video of me having sex with Trevor in my kitchen and he supplied old love letters from Kevin I never even received from years ago, all for the love triangle angle, which has held in the courts so far. My Dad is an expert in covering his own ass. Although Trevor said he will spend his family’s inheritance appealing until the truth comes out and he can get out of jail and exact his revenge. And now my roommate wants me to move out because of all the stress I have brought into her life.

That’s a sad story but I really must be going.

AMELIA steps closer to JOE in a desperate and flirty way.

Mr. Palenti, believe it or not I am innocent as far as my father’s evil machinations go. I knew nothing of any of it and even broke away from him before any of this went down. After I passed my bar exam, he planned to groom me to take over the White family Corporation but after hearing all his BS, I recoiled, bailed and was cut off by him – as in no more trust fund or anything. I quickly found out that I had no real friends because I reached out and they all rejected me like I had the plague of being poor and it was contagious or something. My one good Asian friend on the West coast offered me a place to stay but her husband was not too keen on the idea. So then I got a low level lawyer position at a firm here in DC and found my roommate Janet on the internet and it was going well until this scandal broke and…

Look Amelia, I feel for you but why exactly did you come to see me – I mean I don’t even know you and your Dad was going to ruin everything I have been working hard to make happen to help 25 million people find homes and regain rights taken away after the floods by this crazy administration. What is your deal anyway? What do you want from me?

I admire you and I thought we had some chemistry the first time we met and…

AMELIA plants a wet kiss on his lips and JOE goes along for about 15 seconds and then tears himself away.

What is it – do you not find me attractive? I know I am good kisser – Why?…

Look – Amelia – it’s nothing personal. You are a very attractive woman and you seem pretty smart but my heart is elsewhere.

You were single just a few weeks ago – I thought we could get to know one another and go from there?

I am still single but when you kissed me I just realized I actually like someone who has been very close to me in these last few months. I have been so wrapped up in organizing and training for this march to acknowledge it. It’s been years since I was with a partner and that did not end so well, so you get the idea – right?

Yes I get it. I am on a big losing streak. I thought my life would get better when I decided to clean up my karma and broke away from my Dad and it did for a minute but now I have to find another place to stay and my savings is down to nothing. I’ve never had to deal with so much crap at once. My Mom died a few years ago and I have no one to lean on – so my life sucks right now. (starts to cry)

There, there – things will better. (pats her back) Life is an endless roller coaster ride – up and down, but things do always come back up again. Just hang in there and stay true to yourself and your new clean path. Welcome to our world Amelia White. What doesn’t kill you…

Will make you stronger – yeah yeah, the Whites have been using that maxim for generations. But now it has taken on a real literal meaning for me. Thanks, I feel a little better. Thank you for listening and your kindness in spite of the fact that my own Dad meant you and your movement so much harm.

No worries. We all need to forgive each other and learn about each other if our country is reach its full potential. Maybe you could become an ambassador between the 1% and the 99%? You could do a lot of good with your father’s resources if you did take over the family business.

That will be a long time from now if I ever forgive him. But again, good luck to you and the CRD march. Our country has lost its way after the floods and patriots like you will get us going in the right direction again. Take care Joe Palenti – you’re one of the good guys – this woman you like will be lucky to have you.

Same to you Amelia, stay strong and good luck with all your endeavors. Be part of the solution and not the pollution.

Solution versus the pollution – wow – I like that – is that yours?

No – some holistic philosopher named Sto from the early 2000’s coined that maxim. It sums it up pretty well. Take care now Amelia.

JOE gets in his car and drives off – Amelia waves and wipes her tears away and looks more relaxed and less stressed out – ready to face her new life.


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