Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tent City - A Cautionary Tale - Episode 1

Tent City
A Cautionary Tale

A Screenplay
By: Christopher Meesto Erato



A bird’s eye view (drone shot) of a huge tent city complex in Eastern Pennsylvania called New New York. The year is 2068 ACE.

                                          DISOLVE TO:


Within the New New York Tent City (NNYTC) central Town Hall area, a press meeting is under way.

JOE PALENTI, an ex-military and college history professor is currently the council leader of the NNYTC and a co-chair of the Citizens Restore Democracy (CRD) movement, representing around 25 million displaced US citizens - is being interviewed by a corporate talking head REPORTER IMA CLUELESS from the Internet News Network - INN.

This is Ima Clueless reporting for INN with an exclusive one on one interview with Citizens Restore Democracy or CRD movement’s leader Joseph Palenti. We are streaming live from the town hall in New New York’s Tent City located in Eastern Pennsylvania. Mr. Palenti, You and fellow members of the CRD have organized several peaceful protests with the other tent cities around the country and even some of the RV Parks’ populations, but recently there has been some violent clashes with police and some outsiders – why the change in tactics? Is it related to the president’s proposed chip plan?

Firstly, Ima - there has been no change in our tactics – we are a non-violent movement engaging in militant civil disobedience in the tradition of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and the Me-Too protests. The recent violence has resulted from defending ourselves from outside attacks upon residents of tent cities from different militias around the country. Other altercations have been instigated by the Black Rock private police force with their total disregard for our individual constitutional rights. And finally, yes – the president backing this insane, Big Brother like, 1984 plan to microchip millions of displaced US citizens living in the tent cities was the last straw and the impetus for the Citizens Restore Democracy movement. We are organizing a huge march on Washington DC in September, right before this very important presidential election cycle in November, 2068. Our goal is to oust this horrible president and his party from power and save our country from ruin! And as far as the current administration’s justification of the chip implants through false allegations of wide spread cheating by tent city residents in regards to supply distribution, the block chain ID key fobs are as secure as it gets and work fine. This was affirmed just months ago by a third party investigation unit hired by the very same government!

The president and other GOP senators have said the chip is necessary for keeping track of dispersing very limited supplies, especially in light of outside militias and bandits that keep raiding the government supply trucks and depots’?

The audacity of even considering such a Draconian invasion of citizen’s privacy via our actual bodies with an implanted chip device is not only crazy, it’s against everything our country stands for! We will fight the good fight and never let this happen!

What is the CRD prepared to do to fight it?

Exactly what we have been doing – militant civil disobedience and hunger strikes if necessary. But thank God it has little chance of getting through the new House of Representatives in congress, but just the fact that this administration took a crazy idea so seriously is really disturbing!

That may be true but again – are you not concerned about the black market thugs and the food and water shortages?

Of course! The millions of residents of the Tent Cities are unfortunately at the mercy of the government assistance programs during this major crisis, the likes of which have not been experienced since the Great Depression of the 1930s. We have suffered the direct effects of the flood disasters and now have to deal with the supply rationing laws more so than the rest of America! The selfish and illegal actions by these small dissident militia groups negatively affect all US citizens who pay taxes, play by the rules and hope for a better future for our entire country. Yet this piracy is no excuse for the preposterous idea of implanting a microchip in the wrists of around 25 million American citizens living in the Tent Cities! Should we be punished for having been living in major cities and urban areas within the flood zones and not having enough savings or resources to own our own Recreation Vehicle (RV) and rent an expensive lot in the Parks or be privileged enough to live in the pre-built gated communities of the elite 10%? Historically, most Americans are two paychecks away from destitution. This crazy chip idea is an insult to the entire middle and working class majority of Americans – living both in and outside the temporary Tent Cities – whom, according to the latest polls are in total solidarity with our movement, along with a sizable portion of the RV Park residents. Many of us know there is another, more sinister reason behind this chip implant – it’s to monitor and control the tent city populace as if we were enemies of the state!

Yes – you referred to George Orwell’s 1984 book before. But I think the analogy is a bit extreme. So what is the CRD agenda or end game?

Extreme? Not really! The citizens in the 1984 story did not even have a chip put in their bodies! CRD’s plan sums up the dire situation our country finds itself in in 2068. Firstly, restore our basic cherished freedoms guaranteed in our constitution! No more curfews and restrictions on our movements. Bring back Habeas Corpus and the right to a day in court. Undo the recent Patriot Act 3 and protect our 1st amendments rights to free speech, free press and a right to assembly. Get rid of the private police force mercenaries who are mostly uneducated, ill trained and not capable of the responsibility of possessing a firearm. These bullies with guns are like the Pinkerton Guards hired by the elite 1% during the Gilded Age to intimidate and beat down the workers fighting for all the hard earned work place rights many take for granted. It’s been over a year since the flood disaster and there has been no mass insurrection or chaos breaking out and so therefore no reason to allow these Draconian laws antithetical to our core constitution to continue one minute longer. Allocate the emergency funds necessary to relocate the remaining 25 million displaced American citizens. It’s been over a year and only 2.5 million have been relocated. This is half of the 5 million a year time frame promised by the president! We the progressives, who ruled for almost 30 years barely won back the House this past midterm. Therefore we want the intelligent but apathetic masses to take a break from their VR headsets, get registered and vote for Senator Letisha Jones for President. Based on her consistent record of voting for and writing progressive bills in congress and her 25 years of public service, the CRD membership fully endorses Senator Jones as our pick for president of the United States in 2068.

Wow, that’s a serious list of demands. Do you think they’re realistic given the current partisan political environment?

The last four years with President Dick Faice has been an extreme, reactionary nightmare. His horrible legislative decisions, based on corporate self-interests, pushed the world’s climate past the tipping point and caused the great flood events! To add insult to injury was his surreal Draconian handling of this massive citizen displacement crisis and not even following through on his relocation promises! He has sent the country backwards drastically after a previous 30-year run of the most progressive and prosperous era in our country’s history during the Green Revolution that achieved 60% clean energy!

Actually, it’s now a 50% ratio of renewable energies to other sources including nuclear, petrol and coal. Now - are you saying the great flood events of 2066 were of the President’s making?

Yes I am. He and his fossil fuel cronies behind the scenes along with members in his administration and the congress undid the 25 year old worldwide bans on any new fossil fuel extractions within the first months of his presidency, which along with other countries restarting petrol extractions - quickly elevated green house gases again past the tipping point we had avoided after stabilizing the climate through the Green Revolution - freezing any new fossil fuel production. These irresponsible actions caused the temperature to rise quickly another 1.5 degrees that led to the final ice cap melt off and a higher than predicted 12-15 foot sea rise that caused the great flood disasters around the world almost a year and half ago. Yet all our recent human ancestors are also collectively guilty for allowing the fossil fuel industry to control the energy infrastructure of our planet for far too long, even decades after most knew better from climate change science and our human made Co2 emissions role in the heating up of our world. It just boggles my mind how so many people develop historical amnesia about such recent history. Denial is a defense mechanism that America has mastered since its dark inception 300 years ago.

Be that as it may - where will the nearly bankrupt federal government get the money for this massive relocation effort? The cost has been estimated at between 10-12 trillion dollars.
It will come from the same place they get money for the perpetual wars we engage in around the world and from the huge corporate welfare giveaways in tax breaks for the richest industries in the world.

Before you became the leader of the CRD and Tent City council rep, you were a college history professor and activist, and you also once served in the military – yes?

That’s right, I did two tours of duty in the Middle East and Africa. I did so with good patriotic intentions and honestly to get money to go to college, but learned the hard way that I was not fighting for freedom in the homeland. As World War One era Marine General Smedly Butler stated long ago, “War is a Racket”. I was actually fighting for greedy, evil corporations like Hollaburton, Flexxon, Black Schlock, Roeing, Paytheon and Blockhead Fartin.

So you are of those conspiracy theorists that believe there is a Military Industrial Complex influencing and guiding US geopolitical strategies on the world stage?

I am not a conspiracy theorist – just an informed citizen that does his research. Anyone who doesn’t at this point in history with access to so much information is just a sucker, plain and simple. Perpetual war is pushed by a very small group of elites around the world. All are competing and fighting for other poorer countries’ natural resources and cheap labor. For the weapons manufacturers its priority is to use up the old billion dollar bombs and drones to make new ones – it’s all just business as usual. This tiny elite group that rules the world represents less than .001% of the 9.8 billion humans on planet earth and yet still possesses 80% of the world’s wealth and control governments’ politicians like puppets because we the sheeple let them! Perpetual wars make them richer and more powerful feudal overlords that keep the rest of us 99% serfs in their servitude, fighting for the crumbs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the two term president, five Star General, and leader of allied command that defeated the formidable Nazis during WWII, warned the US of the Military Industrial Complex around a hundred years ago. He was he was the last Republican president with any integrity.

I think you exaggerate and are spreading conspiracy theories. These corporations also keep our country safe and create thousands of decent paying jobs.

I’m not exaggerating or spreading conspiracy theories! The facts speak for themselves! So I guess we should keep on bombing and killing innocent people around the world in the endless ‘war on terror’ so a few thousand Americans can have a job? That argument was immoral decades ago when these corporations actually did provide some jobs, but robots now do most of these jobs and will continue to take more jobs. So the old hackneyed weapons manufacturers corporate propaganda about job creation no longer holds water in the latter 21st century, in our hi-tech artificial intelligence robot reality.

Then what to do about the Islamist extremists over seas that hate the West and wish us harm as the recent bombings in Africa and Indonesia prove?

Unfortunately, much of this is the result of 60 years of the Western allies bombing both the innocent and guilty in the ongoing “war on terror” (does a quotes sign with hands). For every terrorist we have killed, we have created even more. When a child see’s innocent family members blown to bits, the revenge cycle continues and thousands are killed on both sides of the conflict but mostly on the their sides. Meanwhile, the oil barons and weapons manufactures selling to all parties involved get richer and more powerful. These powers that be keep us all living in a permanent state of fear via their corporate mass media machine and thus many of the ugly, divisive issues we face such as global warming are a direct result of this Machiavellian manipulation governance technique that has sadly ruled much of human history.

There maybe some truth to what you say but what then is the solution to keeping our country safe?

We can keep our country safe without engaging in perpetual policing via mini-wars all over the world. We just need to keep a strong, readied military force, which does not mean out spending the top countries by a factor of 10 to one and adding trillions to the national debt – this is wasteful and much of the tax revenue monies for the military seem to disappear either over seas or in the black hole of the Pentagon’s budgeting office. I am actually more concerned with the threat of domestic terrorism via these growing militias and radical racist splinter groups, some of which have been threatening violence to our Tent City residents and raiding the government supply depots.

Based on what you just said doesn’t the government need to keep the crisis safety measures in place to keep chaos from breaking out?

No, not at all – these extreme Draconian laws were rushed through after a major crisis and played on the fears of the people. Our leaders in congress should have known better but of course they too shrunk in the face of adversity and were weak. Our great country was founded on the core principles of inalienable rights and freedoms for all citizens – this is why I joined the service and why I fight now against the oppressors within our own country. We are over a year into this crisis and the country has not fallen apart and it’s time to lift these limits to our basic freedoms guaranteed in our constitution. As founding father Benjamin Franklin once said “Those willing to sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither”.

You have claimed that millions of fellow Americans outside the refugee camps are in solidarity with you as far as restoring basic freedoms, but are they as supportive of the relocation process and the huge costs involved? Surveys indicate that many seem a little envious and upset that millions of tent city dwellers are getting into new or refurbished houses or apartments on government lands, some taken via Eminent Domain laws - while they struggle to make ends meet and deal with ongoing extreme weather events doing damage to their own properties and localities?

First of all, please do not refer to us as refugees. This term has a negative connotation and is offensive. We are American tax paying citizens that were recently productive members of society until the flood disaster upended our lives and forced us to relocate by no choice of our own to these government tent cities. Yet I do thank God we live in a rich country that has contingency and emergency resources for big disasters because the poor countries are doing much worse and civil wars are breaking out in many places around the world. That being said, I know there is mostly solidarity among all citizens regardless of party affiliations when it comes to our rights being restored ASAP. Yes, I do see some animosity from the general public in the social media as far as the relocation costs situation goes. To all those listening please understand that none of us living in these packed like sardines tent cities, with tight rationing of food stuffs and basic supplies, with ongoing sanitation and clean water issues - wants to live here. Furthermore, most of us do not like receiving the handouts necessary to help us survive and find a new home. But we have paid taxes into the system our entire working lives and these emergency social safety nets exist for a reason because life and circumstances on earth are more unpredictable than ever because of an angry Mother Nature. Finally, I ask anyone who lives in America’s inland zones that were not wiped out by the catastrophic flood and other extreme weather events if they would be willing to trade places – live here in a tent city and wait for a new home and give up there current beloved, lived in, comfy homes with anyone of us millions living in the tent cities or even the slightly better RV Parks? No - I think not. All we want is a hand up – not a hand out so we can relocate and begin to build a normal life somewhere and become productive, free citizens once again. Whew! That’s all I have to say for today Ms. Clueless. See you all at the march in September. God bless America!

One last quick question Mr. Palenti – do you have any political ambitions – say mayor, governor or even congress?

No – right now I am focused on the success of this grass roots Citizens Restore Democracy movement. However, I never say never to new opportunities to serve my country – so who knows what the future holds? But for right now the organizing and success of the CRD march on DC and helping Senator Jones get elected president are my top priorities.

Well, that’s a wrap for us and only time will tell what direction the country will go in after the November elections. This is Ima Clueless signing off for INN.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Episode 2 - The Whites

Episode 2 - The Whites


                                         DISSOLVE TO:


Located in the rich and private Aspen Gated Community, CHARLES WHITE III, an older, graying .001% mega-rich Trillionaire businessman is conversing with his daughter AMELIA and his executive assistant TREVOR WILLIAMS. They just finished watching the INN interview with JOE PALENTI.

That man is dangerous.

A nobody from New York Tent City? How is he dangerous?

The fact that you can’t see him as a threat is why you are the assistant and I’m the boss. More to the point, he is not a threat to you because you have little, so you have little to lose.

That’s relatively true – but you’ve dealt with adversaries who seem much more substantial in terms of power and resources – so why is a poor professor from a Tent City a threat?

Because he is sharp, charismatic, brave and has a vision – a dangerous combination in a person who has millions of angry, homeless citizens behind him.

ENTER: AMELIA – Daughter of Charles White

Daddy, did you watch the interview with Mr Palenti?

Yes, we were just discussing it – what did you think?

I thought he was eloquent and seemed very knowledgeable and righteous about his views. I agree with him about the microchip implants being over the line…

Why? Those working class and poor people living in the tent cities are a filthy den of thieves! The only way to keep track of the limited government supplies is to have them implanted with a chip to eliminate any scams!

I’m sorry sweetheart, but I agree with Trevor on this issue. These people of color are historically the half of the country that live off of welfare and handouts from the government. They work the system and can’t be trusted to play by the rules. After all it is mostly rich people’s taxes that pay for all these government programs.

Wow – that’s strange because in the past you have said that only suckers pay these ridiculously high taxes on the rich! Talk about working the system! And FYI, 50% of the residents of the Tent Cities are white and they too receive welfare!

Yes – the ethnic white trash is unfortunately part of the problem that has plagued our country since the late 19th century immigration flood during the Industrial revolution.

Listen Trevor – could you please keep all your uninformed, xenophobic stereotypes to yourself? Most of them are the middle class and working poor who do pay their taxes. Dad, you seem disturbed by this Palenti guy and the CRD movement – how come? Do they represent a threat to one of your business endeavors?

You are sharp as a tack young lady. Maybe he is. Yet not just to my business dealings but to all big business. His restore democracy Socialist movement is a threat to the recent progress we have made eliminating many regulations and lowering the corporate tax rates under President Faice.

These lousy leftist Socialists don’t see it like that. They want to reach deep into the rich people’s pockets and take what is not theirs!

An incremental tax system is just logical and fair – the more you make, the more you pay into the system and infrastructure that allowed you to become rich in the first place! And since the robots have taken millions of jobs away – safety net solutions like the Universal Basic Income was inevitable to avoid a breakdown of society!

Sometimes I wonder what liberal Socialist nonsense they taught you at that Ivy League college. Big business built this great country. That includes the corporations that radical rebel rousers like Mr. Palenti reject. Tax breaks for the rich create jobs – or least they used to before the robots entered the picture. Anyways – the chip implant won’t happen anyway because of the new left leaning House in congress and all the protesting, and now this planned march on DC. The president knows he will not stand a chance if they force this chip issue and crack down on this populist movement right before the election. The president has his own long-term financial self-interests at stake.

I hope you are right – because the government may step all over our rights as well and demand we put a chip in our bodies!

That will never happen.

How can you be so sure?

Because our elite class founded and owns this country! We once again control the key politicians inside the government. We now pay for their elections’ advertising and social media campaigns behind the scenes and reward them later with cushy, hi-paying lobbying jobs working for us after they get out of the game like in the glory days past of the GOP.

You’re living in the past Trevor. The huge legislative reforms to our democratic process back in the late 2020s undid much of what you refer to – although it’s true that some of these laws have been weakened by the current Republican administration – yet they could easily be reversed again by the next administration. Big money in politics has much less power than it used to or else the previous 30-year progressive Green New Deal  could never have happened.

Some of what you say is true Amelia, but don’t fool yourself about big money not influencing contemporary politics. Granted it is a lesser animal than before the Green Socialist era, but it still yields great influence - just more behind closed doors than before. The world’s ultra-rich having private meetings to determine human society’s best path forward has never stopped – trust me!

Best path forward for whom? Obviously not the millions around the world living in tent cities and refugee camps!

Yes – our political influence is not what it once was. We lost half our family fossil fuel fortune in those 30 years! Fortunately, we have made some of it back in the last couple of years since the ban on new oil production was lifted – and there is much more to be done in the near future as long as we have one of our people in the White House!

This is where I agree to strongly disagree and I worry whether I can take the legal helm of the corporation if you deny the climate science from 99% of the top scientists in the world who predicted decades ago the catastrophic flood crisis that did happen, albeit sooner than expected.

There are things your father has kept from you so as not to burden you with the family’s business dealings while you attended college.

Trevor, your tone is patronizing, and I am not a fragile wallflower. You are only a few years older than me so please save your misogynist bs for someone who cares! I
finished first in my class at Harvard, have a black belt in Jujitsu and will soon take over much of the White family business after I pass the bar exam!

Yes, you are a force to be reckoned with just like your mother was. Just conserve that fighting spirit for after you pass the bar – because you will need it to help run my empire! (Trevor looks concerned) And don’t worry Trevor – as long as you do what I tell you – you will have a top position in the corporation. (His Phone Rings) Oh I have to take this call – excuse me a moment. (Steps out of the room)


I don’t appreciate the way you talk to me in front of your father. Since we got intimate – you have gotten too comfortable with your jabs and basic disrespect.

Oh get over it – I don’t treat you any different than before. And please do not use the word intimate – we had a fling and that was it. We had a few too many and got carried away. I told you to forget about it and move on.

Well I felt something after words that you obviously do not and that’s too bad because as a power couple, I think we could conquer the world.

Power couple-Conquer the world? What are you talking about? My father hired you a few years ago partly because he felt sorry for you because of what happened to your parents, God rest their souls. Be careful about your mighty ambitions because you may bite off more than you can chew. From the small amount of my Father’s business I have witnessed – it’s not a pretty picture and to be honest I am not looking forward to help manage it myself.

Don’t worry about me – I’m no charity case. I did well at Wharton and yes – I’ve got big plans. My parents left behind a decent inheritance to launch my ship when the time is right. Your father has taken me under his wing, and I am learning the ropes from a master. What you consider distasteful dealings - I thrive on. It’s a shark tank out there and I’m an Orca - baby! You’ll come around when I’m in the big leagues, but by then I may already be with someone else.

Oh my God – Firstly, Orcas are part of the dolphin family genius and I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation! Let it go for Christ’s sake! We have no chemistry or common interests – it’s a no brainer! Here comes Father – no more talk of this ever again or I can make life very uncomfortable for you!


I just spoke to a colleague who knows about this Joe Palenti guy. Seems he was in secret ops while in the military before he became a radical leftist. He may become an obstacle to our future petrol business expansion plans. This march on DC has to be stopped. Amelia my girl, I was not going to have the reality discussion with you until after you took the bar exam but these new developments on the national stage do not allow for that. You see Dear, we in the petrol industry have always known that global warming is real and the CO2 emissions from petrol products are a major cause along with coal use and meat consumption etc.. Flexxon did one of the first thorough studies as far back as 1979 – almost a hundred years ago. Scientists were actually warning about the negative effects of greenhouse warming even further back in the 1950s…

Oh my God – I don’t want to hear anymore! This is like a surreal nightmare unfolding in real time that I’ve actually really had!

Yes, a little denial goes a long way my dear, but you will hear it because you’ve had a hyper-privileged life because of this surreal nightmare! Via disinformation campaigns and

controlling our politicians like puppets, the petrol
industry held off the Green Revolution for around 70 years during the 20th and early 21st century. We knew the world was going to change – get warmer, more extreme weather events and of course the sea level rise reaping havoc around the world, as all the tent cities now attest to. But the Fossil Fuel Industry did a cost/benefit analysis and even knowing there would massive devastation and upheaval around the world caused by Global Warming, humanity would eventually adjust through relocation scenarios and new technologies that would help ameliorate the negative consequences of too much CO2 in the atmosphere. These unfortunate consequences, which negatively affected mostly poor and middle-class people, would be the costs. The benefits, of which you have enjoyed your whole life was of course the bottom line, our monetary quarterly profit margins. And with the mega wealth and power that comes with it - we, the global, multi-national corporations would not let any governmental institution tamper with, even if it meant playing dirty. This worked for generations until our Republican party imploded after the last moronic reality TV star President in 2016, thus allowing the Green Revolution to ensue with all of the Socialist radicals from different ethnic backgrounds to take over our government. Soon after they, along with radical leaders in Canada and Europe etc. shut down any new fossil fuel extractions for decades and cut our family fortune in half!

Hundreds of Millions of ruined lives around the world are ‘unfortunate consequences’? I think I am going to be sick…

We had solutions Amelia! One of the first top secret government sanctioned projects was the chem-trails via airplanes to reflect the sun’s intense solar radiation back out to space to steady global temps, and that did help a little for a time. They knew it would based upon evidence of the no-fly time period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks where the earth actually heated up ever so slightly because of the lack of all the commercial jet planes’ white cloud like exhaust reflecting sunlight back out to space. We were about to utilize another secret government weather control device and installation in Alaska called HAARP that was originally built to interrupt radio frequency transmissions in case of war,

but also ended up conveniently affecting weather patterns. But both of these potential solutions to Global Warming were stopped after some congressional hearings where some top scientists with hippy-dippy ecology and physics backgrounds vehemently protested their implementation. They claimed that tampering with the delicate balance of nature would have unknown and undesired side effects. But we industry leaders knew better and have faith in our technology to solve all problems. So, we shut most of them up quickly with whatever means necessary. Just like the puppet politicians – most had their price and the small handful that did not – well, we destroyed their careers in the same way we will destroy this Joe Palenti’s – through our many networks and character assassination via all the mass media outlets. This will be your next mission Trevor. Start the process – now! (lOOKS AT TREVOR AND SIGNALS HIM TO LEAVE ROOM)

Yes Amelia - We had other new hi-tech solutions to the Global Warming problem that never saw the light of day because of the un-American; Socialist Green Revolution took over our country for decades! But they will be reintroduced soon after the president is reelected. This must happen if we are to keep the new petrol flowing from our once dormant oil fields in the arctic and reestablish our place among the top power families of the world. Oh close your gapping mouth Amelia – it is not attractive.

My God - You sound like a mad man from a cheesy Hollywood B movie! I’ve read about all the conspiracy theories online - about the world’s nine richest, most powerful families, the banking cabal, the manipulating of governments by the multi-national petrol corporations all over the planet, but did not want to believe it! (Starts to cry)

Now, now – dry those tears because I need a strong, adult woman to manage my affairs, not a sniveling, spoiled little girl! We Whites are among the most elite tribes in the world for the last few centuries for a reason – because we are hardcore and refuse to accept defeat. I don’t have another child, so I expect you to step up and fall into place as my heir as I did and generations of White’s before you! How can you be so naive?

How do you think we became trillionaires? Yes – toes are stepped on, but we take care of our own! Do you think this mansion, inside a safe, gated and patrolled community built itself, or your Ivy League education paid for itself, or all the trips around the world staying in five star hotels and all the shopping in the best boutiques with all the fancy labels you wear - and your own thoroughbred horse and on and on since you were a child? Money does not grow on trees young lady! It is earned and yes – even taken from those not smart or worthy enough to handle it! If the world was left to the lower classes, we’d all still live in dirty huts and not have created the comfortable, hygienic modern world with most diseases eradicated or have mass produced any of the great inventions and hi-tech conveniences that make life more bearable for all people! So, you see we masters of the universe are not completely morally bankrupt as some of the over educated, self-righteous radicals believe. We just take the bull by the horns because if we do not - someone else will! This is the law of the jungle and how nature really works whether or not limp-wristed leftists like to admit - with all their idealistic, KumBaYa bullshit!

I feel sick. I, I need time to process all this. My worst fears have been confirmed today. My family is a big part of the problems facing the world – not the solutions. All your philanthropic work is a joke, a mere tax write off and good PR for the corporation! I knew you were an atheist, but you have espoused some humanist ethics over the years, but now I know it was all just bullshit – just for appearances! A law of the jungle mentality is equivalent to no morals! Is life just a Darwinist, Dog-Eat-Dog reality for you? A bloody materialist ego competition where the guy with the most toys at the end wins? This foolish ‘survival of the fittest’ social construct is a misinterpreted understanding of Darwin’s theory, which was all about adaption and now we know a certain amount of luck! This is all really sad and I’m not sure I want any part of it!

Sorry to disappoint you Amelia. Nonetheless, we Whites’ make our own luck and you have had the good fortune to grow up in a very safe and privileged environment, which has obviously blinded you to the ugly aspects of the real world where animals, including we humans go at it for limited resources.

Resources necessary to feed, clothe and house the billions of poor, ignorant humans that breed like rabbits! Yet, you enjoy all the fruits of my labor – no? I realize this may be a lot to digest so I will back off for now. I too once questioned my father’s ethics when I was young and naïve but soon enough, I was brought into the family fold for the same reasons you will be. Namely, we are blood kin and it’s us against the world. Secondly, we cannot keep our level of lifestyle without due diligence and being 10 steps ahead of everyone else. A lavish, comfy lifestyle that we have all grown accustomed to over many generations.

Wow – I really don’t know who you are anymore, and you obviously don’t know me – if you ever did at all! I have become a spiritual person with a strong sense of right and wrong. I trust my inner moral compass and my gut. And both are telling me to get out of this creepy situation before my karma is damaged beyond repair! I refuse to participate in your soul crushing enterprises merely for the sake of material wealth and your huge male ego and vanity! So many millions of people around the world have died and suffered during this Global Warming crisis! All because of you and your evil cohorts with your callous and sick us against them attitude! All your greed, racism and blind ambitions have severed any goodness left in your souls and even common-sense neuron connections in your brains! I want no part of it! Charles White the third – this is the last time you will see your daughter, your only child - until you to have seen the error of your evil ways and do all you can to rectify all the horrible machinations you are currently involved in and do the right thing for all humanity!

Nice speech darling but it will be a cold day in hell that’s going to happen and Ha - I don’t even believe in hell! You go and live your pathetic little, idealistic, middle class life in some small, rinky-dink roach infested apartment in the middle of nowhere! We shall see how long it will take before you miss your monthly stipend, which is more than you will earn as a novice lawyer, and all the luxurious trappings of the rich that sheltered, spoiled brats like yourself take for granted! Yes, it won’t be long before you come back to big Daddy with your tail between your legs. And yet, I will accept your humble return with no malice.

Then we can start the training you will require to eventually take the helm of our recovering White empire.

You really are a cold hearted and crazy person! I will be fine with a humbler lifestyle if it means keeping my karma clean and my soul intact! I am out of here! BYE!

You’ll be back young lady! See how far your hippy karma theory takes you! You’ll miss your shopping excursions, expensive dinners and exotic vacations! Mark my words - you will return! Spoiled little bitch!



Sunday, March 22, 2020

Episode 3 - DC/USA, 2068

EPISODE 3 – DC-USA, 2068



A sunny day in the nation’s capital – Bird’s eye camera loops around White House and then closes in on one of the Congressional buildings windows –

INT: DAY – OFFICE - of 2 term Progressive Party Senator and presidential hopeful LATEESHA JONES, a mixed race (Black & Mexican), gender fluid, handicapped, devout Christian/Taoist - is having a meeting with two trusted, key members of her staff JOHN & NANCY. A lobbyist BRAD representing the Fossil Fuel industry will shortly join them.

I really appreciate the amazing effort you two have made along with the rest of the team in these last few months. Juggling our day-to-day government business along with the busy campaign schedule has been very challenging to say the least!

Yes, yes it has Senator, but you know Nancy and I are both adrenalin junkies and I think I can speak for both of us saying we truly believe you are the best and necessary choice to be the next president of the United States.

Yes and especially at this critical time where all the progress our country made over decades has been almost completely undone during just one term of this horrendous reality TV star president! You know We got Chu’ Senator Jones! (High fives)

Yes we have been through a lot of stuff together over the years and you two are my trusted eyes and ears in this crazy town. So why do we have a meeting set up with a lobbyist from the Petrol industry – basically the enemy?

Exactly – you know the old expression ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’? Well this is one of those type meetings.

We will do the old good cop/bad cop where you of course play yourself – the Senator known on record to despise the petrol industry and everything it represents and we will play the naïve assistants who believe all the bs he will try to sell us so…

So he slips and gives us some important info about the evil oil guys’ agenda we don’t already know – yeah, I get the playbook. Very good – he will be here soon. In the meanwhile lets go over the protocol for the CRD DC gathering in September.

Well everything is in place but of course the devil is in the details. We are still trying to get the famous poet Tito Williamson and the musician G-Clef to confirm…

And two-term president Baurmeister as a speaker at the endorsement reception after the event is a go. Her people just confirmed this morning. And the caterers were told to have vegan and gluten free options at the buffet…

Excellent, and what about the order of speakers – should we have Mr. Palenti end the engagement or kick it off?

I think you should end it as we discussed before, because bottom line, this march and the reception is really about getting you elected president. Otherwise nothing changes.

We should just keep the reception speeches short and sweet because after the long march and the day’s many speeches and performances in front of the Lincoln Memorial, people are going to be fatigued.

Agreed – but this march is not just about me. It’s American citizens’ rejection of the unconstitutional infringements

on their rights and freedoms through the Draconian legislation passed by this corporate puppet administration.

True Dat’ Sister Friend! (High fives – Door Knock Sounds – John opens door)

Good Afternoon Senator Jones – hello John annnnnnd Nancy – right?

Yes that’s correct. Look, I don’t mince words so what brings you here Brad? You represent whom exactly?

Yes, I know you from some of your impassioned speeches on the floor. You definitely mean what you say and say what you mean! Senator, I represent the Fossil Fuel Industry, the FFI, a consortium of several of the biggest petrol and coal companies still left and as you know fossil fuels still supply around 35% of our nations energy needs, up 10% since President Faice took office.

Brad – you know I know all this, so please get to the point. The recent 10% rise in the use of fossil fuels has a direct correlation to the great flood events and the current tent city crisis with 25 million plus homeless citizens.

Well Senator, the debate is still out on exactly how and why the flood event occurred… (Cut off)

When 99% of the best climate scientists in the world working with AI super computers all agree on the data – the debate was over long ago. I suggest you get to the reason why you’re here because I feel my patience is wearing thin.

Yes, well um… Our organization is prepared to assist you in your bid for the presidency. As you know we actually donate to all the top runners in all parties, because we believe we can find common ground with any candidate. After all, we all want what’s best for America. Our recent increase in fossil fuel production has created 20,000 good paying jobs so far and…
This is true Senator. And they do donate to every top candidate from all parties. Obviously to cover their asses to have some influence over whoever wins the elections – am I wrong Brad?

I would not say it like you just did but yes – we like spread our chips across the table because of the fickle nature of the American electorate. Hard to tell who will win since elections have been so close, for so long now.

You mentioned on the phone that you would be willing to pay for all the media advertising? That’s a lot of money and is only legal again because of the current administration’s weakening of the State Sponsored Election Act of 2031.

Oh yes – and even more behind the scenes support if you want – cold calling centers and paid door to door “volunteers” (does hand quotes in air). Whatever you need – we are here for you!

That’s what concerns me Brad – why are you “here for me”? (Does quote hands sarcastically) I am totally anti-fossil fuel industry as my 25-year voting record clearly demonstrates.

Yes – we know that but as you and your team know every election is won by razor thin margins and so every vote counts. Commercials during prime time VR TV and side panel ads in all the social media outlets do make a difference. Decades of scientific research have proven the power of repeated advertising on the general public’s decision-making process. And as you know this media saturation costs a fortune nowadays. And as you are famous for your grass roots campaign financing, accepting no donations from corporate interests – we know that you could use some extra resources to work with being these are very hard economic times for your strapped middle class base donors, many of whom live in the tent cities.

That is all true Senator and we really could use more resources and media saturation based on the relaxed election laws.

Okay Brad – let’s say I did agree to accept donations from your organization – what is the quid pro quo Faustian bargain?

Well, ha, um – Senator, of course we would not expect anything from you but would only hope that your administration would allow us to continue and even expand our fossil fuel production to create more jobs, for our country’s energy independence and national security.

I expected that – what else Brad?

Well, uh since you are being receptive, some companies in our consortium are planning to advance some of the geo-engineering solutions to Global Warming that were banned decades ago but seem relevant again based on the current crisis, with the recent temperature increases and return of constant extreme weather events.

Hmmm… anything else Brad?

Um – No, not that I can think of right now. Thaaa-that’s it.


Well Brad – the Senator and we have much work to do, so thanks for coming by. (Showing him the door)

Yes of course, I can imagine with the CRD march and the election campaign. Thank you for your time Senator Jones. When can we expect to hear back from you?

Yes - right now Brad. Thanks but no thanks. We would never accept your literally dirty fossil fuel money. I must say that I do not like you Brad or all the spineless, zero integrity, butt sucking lobbyists you represent, that will sell their souls and our entire planet’s healthy future for a bump in their salary and a few perqs.
I,I resent…

You don’t resent anything, as long as you get paid the big bucks. Let me ask you a question Brad – what will you do with your extra little chunk of dough when there’s no more clean water to drink or clean air to breathe? What are you going to do when millions of fed up, angry tent city dwellers break down your elite community gates and enter your house with intent to harm you and your family?

I, I, I am just trying to make a living like every one else! I have two children; one with special needs that I have to take care of and my wife recently lost her job so I am the primary breadwinner.

I am sorry to hear all that Brad but it does not let you off the hook. You are a highly educated college graduate and I am assuming you were a lawyer at some point – no?

Yes – yes, so, so what?

Then you have options and are part of the problem that plagues our country Brad. You deny climate science not because you don’t believe it but because it threatens your personal bottom line. You have painted yourself into a corner by selling your soul to the fossil fuel industry to make the most money possible as a lobbyist, but at what costs Brad? Are you doing your precious children a favor by selling out their futures to a planet poisoned by toxic fossil fuels where chaos will surely ensue based on the millions of homeless citizens from the ever-growing nightmare of sea level rise and extreme weather events? Your selfish kind and sadly around a third of the population have historical amnesia because we have already been down this dead end path half a century ago when the woke majority of people finally arose up, got off their couches, out into the streets and spoke at the ballot box. They said no more greedy, myopic legislation from puppet politicians who served the 1% special interests for decades rather than the constituents who put them in office. But unfortunately citizens once again became apathetic non-voters and fell asleep at the wheel. They became angry and reactionary and 30% of the mostly old white voters elected a conservative reality TV star based on the antiquated
Electoral College we can’t seem to get rid of. Even though our party’s choice for president won the popular vote! These older white people who are angry about loosing their white privilege and being the new minority panicked because of the recession. A panic caused by sudden big job losses from the slowing of Green New Deal resources and having to depend solely on their UBI to survive – which is not possible. Yet jobs had been already drying up from robots taking millions of jobs over decades, but few noticed while the economy was booming with all the thousands of decent paying Green Revolution infrastructure jobs that robots couldn’t do and could not be sent over seas during the huge switch over to clean energy. But thank God the masses are waking up to reality again, took off their VR headsets and voted out the bums in congress last midterms. Yet, this now lame duck president did a lot of damage in the last four years. This flood crisis that he and all your fossil fuel cohorts are responsible for has brought our country to its knees. We were already hurting from the slow down in our Green economy based on tax revenues being sucked up by the military industrial complex policing the world, and then his administration’s audacity in taking advantage of the flood crisis pushing through fear based disaster capitalism with unconstitutional Draconian legislation that is against everything our country was founded on and stands for! Shame on you Brad! Find another job and clean up your act because God is watching Brad! Will you be part of the solution or the pollution Brad?

I don’t need a history lesson and guilt trip from you Senator. We all do what we have to - to survive in this crazy world. A radical, dark skinned, disabled, LBGQTXYZ whatever person like you would never have even become Senator before all the millions of once illegal Hispanic immigrants got a path to citizenship and got the right to vote! We whites have become a minority in our own country! My people came over on the Mayflower! I will leave now before I say something I really regret.

Yes, you do that Brad! Some of my people were forced over on slave ships, others were already here and the victims of genocide! I bet if you do some research – there’s a 50/50 percent chance that some of your own white ancestors were indentured servants – England’s convict rejects of society - Brad! So get off your racist high horse! United we stand – divided we fall – we the people – right? Everyone! God bless and Good Riddance Brad!

Whatever! Good luck Senator Jones – I think you’re going to need it!


Wow – what a hater! That was some powerful learnin’ him and why I love you Boss!

Ditto! Geo-engineering? Oh my God! Talk about going backwards! What are these insane people thinking?

Insane is the key word!

Greed is the sickness that blinds them. Unfortunately, many in our country still idolize the mega rich and many are still willing to do anything to get their little piece of the materialist action regardless of the consequences. A verse from Matthew comes to mind “To gain the world and lose your soul”. It’s as old as humanity. Well, at least we know more than we did before. This ongoing battle for the soul of our country and our collective healthy futures is surely to continue as long as there is still oil and coal to extract from Mother Earth.

Sad but true.

Nancy – set up an internet meeting with Mr. Palenti – I want him to know exactly what he’s up against.

On it!