Sunday, March 22, 2020

Episode 3 - DC/USA, 2068

EPISODE 3 – DC-USA, 2068



A sunny day in the nation’s capital – Bird’s eye camera loops around White House and then closes in on one of the Congressional buildings windows –

INT: DAY – OFFICE - of 2 term Progressive Party Senator and presidential hopeful LATEESHA JONES, a mixed race (Black & Mexican), gender fluid, handicapped, devout Christian/Taoist - is having a meeting with two trusted, key members of her staff JOHN & NANCY. A lobbyist BRAD representing the Fossil Fuel industry will shortly join them.

I really appreciate the amazing effort you two have made along with the rest of the team in these last few months. Juggling our day-to-day government business along with the busy campaign schedule has been very challenging to say the least!

Yes, yes it has Senator, but you know Nancy and I are both adrenalin junkies and I think I can speak for both of us saying we truly believe you are the best and necessary choice to be the next president of the United States.

Yes and especially at this critical time where all the progress our country made over decades has been almost completely undone during just one term of this horrendous reality TV star president! You know We got Chu’ Senator Jones! (High fives)

Yes we have been through a lot of stuff together over the years and you two are my trusted eyes and ears in this crazy town. So why do we have a meeting set up with a lobbyist from the Petrol industry – basically the enemy?

Exactly – you know the old expression ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’? Well this is one of those type meetings.

We will do the old good cop/bad cop where you of course play yourself – the Senator known on record to despise the petrol industry and everything it represents and we will play the naïve assistants who believe all the bs he will try to sell us so…

So he slips and gives us some important info about the evil oil guys’ agenda we don’t already know – yeah, I get the playbook. Very good – he will be here soon. In the meanwhile lets go over the protocol for the CRD DC gathering in September.

Well everything is in place but of course the devil is in the details. We are still trying to get the famous poet Tito Williamson and the musician G-Clef to confirm…

And two-term president Baurmeister as a speaker at the endorsement reception after the event is a go. Her people just confirmed this morning. And the caterers were told to have vegan and gluten free options at the buffet…

Excellent, and what about the order of speakers – should we have Mr. Palenti end the engagement or kick it off?

I think you should end it as we discussed before, because bottom line, this march and the reception is really about getting you elected president. Otherwise nothing changes.

We should just keep the reception speeches short and sweet because after the long march and the day’s many speeches and performances in front of the Lincoln Memorial, people are going to be fatigued.

Agreed – but this march is not just about me. It’s American citizens’ rejection of the unconstitutional infringements

on their rights and freedoms through the Draconian legislation passed by this corporate puppet administration.

True Dat’ Sister Friend! (High fives – Door Knock Sounds – John opens door)

Good Afternoon Senator Jones – hello John annnnnnd Nancy – right?

Yes that’s correct. Look, I don’t mince words so what brings you here Brad? You represent whom exactly?

Yes, I know you from some of your impassioned speeches on the floor. You definitely mean what you say and say what you mean! Senator, I represent the Fossil Fuel Industry, the FFI, a consortium of several of the biggest petrol and coal companies still left and as you know fossil fuels still supply around 35% of our nations energy needs, up 10% since President Faice took office.

Brad – you know I know all this, so please get to the point. The recent 10% rise in the use of fossil fuels has a direct correlation to the great flood events and the current tent city crisis with 25 million plus homeless citizens.

Well Senator, the debate is still out on exactly how and why the flood event occurred… (Cut off)

When 99% of the best climate scientists in the world working with AI super computers all agree on the data – the debate was over long ago. I suggest you get to the reason why you’re here because I feel my patience is wearing thin.

Yes, well um… Our organization is prepared to assist you in your bid for the presidency. As you know we actually donate to all the top runners in all parties, because we believe we can find common ground with any candidate. After all, we all want what’s best for America. Our recent increase in fossil fuel production has created 20,000 good paying jobs so far and…
This is true Senator. And they do donate to every top candidate from all parties. Obviously to cover their asses to have some influence over whoever wins the elections – am I wrong Brad?

I would not say it like you just did but yes – we like spread our chips across the table because of the fickle nature of the American electorate. Hard to tell who will win since elections have been so close, for so long now.

You mentioned on the phone that you would be willing to pay for all the media advertising? That’s a lot of money and is only legal again because of the current administration’s weakening of the State Sponsored Election Act of 2031.

Oh yes – and even more behind the scenes support if you want – cold calling centers and paid door to door “volunteers” (does hand quotes in air). Whatever you need – we are here for you!

That’s what concerns me Brad – why are you “here for me”? (Does quote hands sarcastically) I am totally anti-fossil fuel industry as my 25-year voting record clearly demonstrates.

Yes – we know that but as you and your team know every election is won by razor thin margins and so every vote counts. Commercials during prime time VR TV and side panel ads in all the social media outlets do make a difference. Decades of scientific research have proven the power of repeated advertising on the general public’s decision-making process. And as you know this media saturation costs a fortune nowadays. And as you are famous for your grass roots campaign financing, accepting no donations from corporate interests – we know that you could use some extra resources to work with being these are very hard economic times for your strapped middle class base donors, many of whom live in the tent cities.

That is all true Senator and we really could use more resources and media saturation based on the relaxed election laws.

Okay Brad – let’s say I did agree to accept donations from your organization – what is the quid pro quo Faustian bargain?

Well, ha, um – Senator, of course we would not expect anything from you but would only hope that your administration would allow us to continue and even expand our fossil fuel production to create more jobs, for our country’s energy independence and national security.

I expected that – what else Brad?

Well, uh since you are being receptive, some companies in our consortium are planning to advance some of the geo-engineering solutions to Global Warming that were banned decades ago but seem relevant again based on the current crisis, with the recent temperature increases and return of constant extreme weather events.

Hmmm… anything else Brad?

Um – No, not that I can think of right now. Thaaa-that’s it.


Well Brad – the Senator and we have much work to do, so thanks for coming by. (Showing him the door)

Yes of course, I can imagine with the CRD march and the election campaign. Thank you for your time Senator Jones. When can we expect to hear back from you?

Yes - right now Brad. Thanks but no thanks. We would never accept your literally dirty fossil fuel money. I must say that I do not like you Brad or all the spineless, zero integrity, butt sucking lobbyists you represent, that will sell their souls and our entire planet’s healthy future for a bump in their salary and a few perqs.
I,I resent…

You don’t resent anything, as long as you get paid the big bucks. Let me ask you a question Brad – what will you do with your extra little chunk of dough when there’s no more clean water to drink or clean air to breathe? What are you going to do when millions of fed up, angry tent city dwellers break down your elite community gates and enter your house with intent to harm you and your family?

I, I, I am just trying to make a living like every one else! I have two children; one with special needs that I have to take care of and my wife recently lost her job so I am the primary breadwinner.

I am sorry to hear all that Brad but it does not let you off the hook. You are a highly educated college graduate and I am assuming you were a lawyer at some point – no?

Yes – yes, so, so what?

Then you have options and are part of the problem that plagues our country Brad. You deny climate science not because you don’t believe it but because it threatens your personal bottom line. You have painted yourself into a corner by selling your soul to the fossil fuel industry to make the most money possible as a lobbyist, but at what costs Brad? Are you doing your precious children a favor by selling out their futures to a planet poisoned by toxic fossil fuels where chaos will surely ensue based on the millions of homeless citizens from the ever-growing nightmare of sea level rise and extreme weather events? Your selfish kind and sadly around a third of the population have historical amnesia because we have already been down this dead end path half a century ago when the woke majority of people finally arose up, got off their couches, out into the streets and spoke at the ballot box. They said no more greedy, myopic legislation from puppet politicians who served the 1% special interests for decades rather than the constituents who put them in office. But unfortunately citizens once again became apathetic non-voters and fell asleep at the wheel. They became angry and reactionary and 30% of the mostly old white voters elected a conservative reality TV star based on the antiquated
Electoral College we can’t seem to get rid of. Even though our party’s choice for president won the popular vote! These older white people who are angry about loosing their white privilege and being the new minority panicked because of the recession. A panic caused by sudden big job losses from the slowing of Green New Deal resources and having to depend solely on their UBI to survive – which is not possible. Yet jobs had been already drying up from robots taking millions of jobs over decades, but few noticed while the economy was booming with all the thousands of decent paying Green Revolution infrastructure jobs that robots couldn’t do and could not be sent over seas during the huge switch over to clean energy. But thank God the masses are waking up to reality again, took off their VR headsets and voted out the bums in congress last midterms. Yet, this now lame duck president did a lot of damage in the last four years. This flood crisis that he and all your fossil fuel cohorts are responsible for has brought our country to its knees. We were already hurting from the slow down in our Green economy based on tax revenues being sucked up by the military industrial complex policing the world, and then his administration’s audacity in taking advantage of the flood crisis pushing through fear based disaster capitalism with unconstitutional Draconian legislation that is against everything our country was founded on and stands for! Shame on you Brad! Find another job and clean up your act because God is watching Brad! Will you be part of the solution or the pollution Brad?

I don’t need a history lesson and guilt trip from you Senator. We all do what we have to - to survive in this crazy world. A radical, dark skinned, disabled, LBGQTXYZ whatever person like you would never have even become Senator before all the millions of once illegal Hispanic immigrants got a path to citizenship and got the right to vote! We whites have become a minority in our own country! My people came over on the Mayflower! I will leave now before I say something I really regret.

Yes, you do that Brad! Some of my people were forced over on slave ships, others were already here and the victims of genocide! I bet if you do some research – there’s a 50/50 percent chance that some of your own white ancestors were indentured servants – England’s convict rejects of society - Brad! So get off your racist high horse! United we stand – divided we fall – we the people – right? Everyone! God bless and Good Riddance Brad!

Whatever! Good luck Senator Jones – I think you’re going to need it!


Wow – what a hater! That was some powerful learnin’ him and why I love you Boss!

Ditto! Geo-engineering? Oh my God! Talk about going backwards! What are these insane people thinking?

Insane is the key word!

Greed is the sickness that blinds them. Unfortunately, many in our country still idolize the mega rich and many are still willing to do anything to get their little piece of the materialist action regardless of the consequences. A verse from Matthew comes to mind “To gain the world and lose your soul”. It’s as old as humanity. Well, at least we know more than we did before. This ongoing battle for the soul of our country and our collective healthy futures is surely to continue as long as there is still oil and coal to extract from Mother Earth.

Sad but true.

Nancy – set up an internet meeting with Mr. Palenti – I want him to know exactly what he’s up against.

On it!


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