Monday, March 16, 2020

Episode 9 - Working For a Living

Episode 9 – Working For a Living


AMELIA is having a conversation with her new roommate JANET.

Again – I really appreciate you letting me move in two weeks early. I hope it’s not a major inconvenience.

Not at all! I just assumed most potential roommates would move in at the beginning of the month but no worries – it seems like you were in a tight spot.

Yeah – sort of – needed to escape a dysfunctional family situation. You have to pardon me for not going into details. Also, I had been looking for a couple of weeks already and finally I met someone normal – well you know what I mean – right?

Oh yes – normal is good for a roommate! I went through a few hellish living situations myself before I finally saved up enough money to rent this apartment. Between the realtor’s fees, first, last and security, the work and credit checks etc. – you need to be a rich yuppie nowadays!

Yes, well I had a good feeling about you and this place from the ad and our meeting the first time confirmed it. Just in the knick of time because my college apartment situation was already 2 weeks past the vacancy time limit and I only got away with it because – well anyway – glad to be here!

Your excellent references all checked out and I couldn’t help but be impressed with your Harvard law school affiliation. We both have been so busy with our jobs that we haven’t really had time for a nice get to know each other conversation.

That’s true, but to be honest I’m kind of a private person when it comes to family stuff but am willing to open up about pretty much anything else.

I totally respect that and I too am sort of like that. We are still strangers after all and I wouldn’t take the liberty of probing about personal stuff. Anyway, as I may have already told you, I work at a non-profit that helps women in poor countries get micro loans. And you said you just started at a small law firm?

That’s right – I just recently passed the bar exam after finishing my degree and I’m starting as a humble, low-level lawyer at a small firm in DC.

Well – you got to start somewhere – right? I grew up in Connecticut and then got accepted to Berkeley in California. I thought I was going to major in Sociology but switched to Political Science after getting involved in some activism in the Bay area – this is of course before the flood events.

Yes – the floods have changed everything in our country – mostly for the millions of coastal peoples who now live in tent cities. I love the Bay area – had a boyfriend there – briefly. Loved the city and going for walks on the beach at Big Sur – those redwoods are amazing! So you must be pretty smart to have gotten into Berkeley.

Not as smart as you have to be to get into Harvard! So you know the Bay area. Yeah, I miss it and feel so bad for all my friends that have been wiped out by the floods. I am definitely going to the march. I have friends who live in the New Cali tent city and have stayed in touch. They told me how depressing it is to live there but they also said they have made some real friends and are hopeful that a new president will speed up the relocation process.

It’s really sad - I can’t imagine living there. I really did not have much choice about Harvard – sort of a family tradition but I really had a great experience.Do you really think Senator Jones can deliver on all her promises?

I do – I really do. I think her record speaks for itself. She has been very consistent in her progressive voting history and seems genuine in her passion to restore our basic rights, speed up the relocation process and finish up the Green Revolution toward 100% renewable energies.

Wow – you have her platform down - you sound like you work for her.

Full transparency – I do volunteer for Senator Jones’ committee to register voters. Something that most states did automatically until this administration made the new federal registration form a requirement for all voters. This election is too important to get stuck with this stupid president and all his cronies again – there’s too much at stake! Oh – are you a Republican? I did not mean to insult the president but…

Don’t sweat it – I have been a registered as a Republican for my first two elections but am going to change parties soon to become an Independent. I too am sick of this president and all his cronies.

Whew – because politics is like religion around the DC area – actually all over the country again. My parents are old school Democrat Centrists but after my activism while attending Berkeley, I joined the more left Progressive party because of their history of fighting for the majority working class and marginalized minorities to achieve the American Dream.

I can appreciate that. I see the Independent party as the modern centrists. I have a mixed bag of ideas on how our country should move forward and so… Let’s take a break from politics. I grew up in Colorado mostly. I love to boogie board, listen to old school soul music from the 1960s and 70s and am trying to be a vegan as of late.

I tried skiing a couple times but am not very athletic that way. I do some yoga nowadays and I am mostly vegetarian for years now – tried the vegan thing but love cheese too much! I just try to buy the brands that treat their animals with respect. Meat eating has actually gone up recently for the first time in decades since this new president got in office. It was at an all time low until he deregulated everything. As you may know, meat consumption was once one of the top three causes of Global Warming.

That’s part of the reason I am trying to be a vegan as well as health concerns. I see by the nice prints you have framed you like the modern art era –– I love Georgia O’Keefe as well.

Yes I do – maybe someday I will be able to afford a real one. They are nice to see everyday for inspiration. The O’Keefe one is calming but when I need some energy I look at the Kandinsky – awesome use of colors – so vibrant! I draw for a hobby – how about you?

Law school has sucked up my vibe for years but I would like to do some kind of creative endeavor – get my hands dirty. I was thinking about getting a sewing machine. I have a few basic design ideas for dresses or bags maybe.

That sounds great! I have jeans I would love to sew some patches on! That is if you are willing to share. I learned from my Mom when I was little.

Of course! Maybe you could teach me? You said you were going to the march – will you be going with your fellow supporters of Senator Jones?

Yes as a matter of fact. Would you like to join us?

Maybe – I too am fed up with the loss of our cherished freedoms and want to see the tent city residents relocated to real homes. So I will let you know soon – okay?

No pressure – it will be a great day but I imagine a little hectic based upon the latest estimates of over 2 million marchers from all over the country descending on DC! It will be the biggest protest ever - 10 times the last record set decades ago.

Yes – a little intimidating. I never protested anything in my life but this is important and will be historical! What do you think of this Mr. Palenti – the leader of the CRD movement?

OMG! I am in love with him – well you know what I mean. I mean the guy is so smart and gorgeous! He’s a strong ex-military war hero and well educated progressive – one of your fellow Ivy leaguers! I would marry him in second!

Wow - I guess you like him then. I just wonder if he has bitten off more than he can chew. I mean there have been no major protests in decades and with the angry armed militias around the country stirring up trouble – I wonder if his passive resistance technique is realistic.

Yes – we are all concerned about violence breaking out – not just from them but even homeland security looking to stop the march before it begins! My little volunteer contingency are actually going to get to meet him in person next week when he comes down to DC to train groups in civil disobedience techniques. He will also meet with Senator Jones and other committees in charge of organizing the march speakers and such. Would you want to come?

Wow – sounds cool but again – can I sleep on it and tell you in a day or so?

Yeah but I would need to know within a couple days so I can let my people know how many I plan to bring to the training session. I am soooo excited! This guy could be a future president!

Yes – you may be right. He is quite intelligent and easy on the eyes! You know what – I will go! I appreciate the invite! I am on a new independent trajectory in my life and these turbulent times call for action – no more armchair warrior for me!

Super! I am so happy we are on the same page about this march and how important it is to the future of our country. We will all sink or swim – together – literally!

That’s true Janet. I want to be on the right side of history and get to know my fellow Americans. As you may have figured out, I am from a privileged background and recently had an epiphany about how segregated I have been from the general population. It’s embarrassing really but I made a promise to myself to stretch my boundaries and get outside my comfort zone and really see what’s happening on the ground in our country and the world!

I wasn’t going to say anything but I gleaned that you must come from money based on your Harvard attendance, your expensive name brand clothing and luggage etc. but I appreciate that you are breaking out of your privileged circles to see how the other half – actually 90% of us live!

Well if you go by my bank account balance, I am officially middle class. You see I had a fall out with my father and have been cut off from my trust fund. It has not been easy but I am enjoying my new found freedom from having to kiss his ass to get that monthly stipend. Not to be rude or condescending but I don’t know how people do it! I have to watch every penny – I mean we rich folks are frugal too – it’s how we stay rich but this paycheck-to-paycheck reality is a real challenge to say the least!

Welcome to our world Amelia! I wish every rich person would do what you have done – not the breaking up of family part – but voluntarily, as a social experiment to see what it’s like for the majority of citizens who are all a couple of paychecks away from poverty! The UBI helped but is not enough to live on for one person never mind a family.Our family did great during the height of the Green New Deal – but many of those jobs dried up in the last decade and the robots have taken what ever other jobs exist. You can’t compete with a robot!

It has been a great and humbling learning experience so far. I only hope I can move up at my firm quickly to get a raise as soon as possible!

I hear you sister friend! I love my non-profit job and get to see the results of our great work helping people around the world but I barely make enough to survive. I originally was going to make your bedroom into a small study to write my book, but I have to put that on hold – at least until after this march and election cycle. We all have to prioritize our time and energy for our selves and the greater collective if we are all to prosper.

Write a book – wow – that’s ambitious! Sorry to take your study space! Fiction or non-fiction?

No worries – I will have less stress in my life worrying about paying the rent and will be able to treat myself to some much needed new clothes and maybe even save a few bucks now that you have moved in. It will be non-fiction. I have some ideas about better government policies based on my activism in college; my non-profit and volunteer work. I have a long-term dream of being a Senator myself one day. I figure I will put all my ideas down in a book, try to get published and then go from there.

That sounds great! I have become a spiritual person as of late and I believe that all things happen for a reason. I am glad we ended up together Janet.

Me too! I am so relieved that we get along! I thought and was hoping we would because I too met a few other potential roommates and the chemistry was not right. But I felt a kindred spirit in you and am happy to see my intuition was right!

Well I actually have some more things to unpack and so…

By all means! I am retiring for the night – Sweet dreams!

Good Night. When you get a minute, just text me the details of the resistance march training session next week. I am nervous and excited!

Me too! I’ll do it right now!


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