Thursday, October 10, 2019

Episode 15 - The Big March

Episode 15 – The Big March


September 18th, 2068. A record setting 2 million plus citizens from all over the country shows up for the Citizens Restore Democracy (CRD) march/protest. We begin in the early day as people streamed in to the starting point, a mile and a half outside of DC center. The positive energy in the air was palpable. As the march peacefully began however, there were two small militia groups assembled illegally (no permits) along the route – obviously to disrupt the march. There is a brief but intense confrontation between the MARCHERS and the White Nationalists MILITIAS. The angry Militia people hurl insults, shoot red paint bullets at the marchers and then some even start to hit them with clubs and bats.

The MARCHERS go into militant disobedience defense mode, receive the insults and paint bullet attacks in-group formations and begin to chant planned slogans. The entire event is being broadcasted live around the world via several media networks and camera journalists have honed in on the disturbance. Then things get crazy with several militia members breaking out clubs and they start to beat the marchers at will. But the marchers take the beating with determined courage and many get knocked down with real blood streaming down their faces while the world watches…

Hey you Socialist radical scum – have a taste of this paint in your mouth! (shoots paint gun)

Yeah - you little commie pinkos’ – We’re protecting the motherland from you fucking freaks!

Tuck and cover fellow citizens! These Nazi bastards will not deter us!

The People United – Will Never be Defeated!

Others MARCHERS join in – The People united – Will…

Time for some real vengeance on these mixed mongrel leftist bitches!

Several MILITIA guys proceed to bust out clubs and bats and hit MARCHERS.

Take cover! They are using weapons! Hold your positions marchers! Fuck these violent assholes!

A news REPORTER starts to comment while his cameraperson films the mayhem.

An altercation that started with paint guns has now escalated into outright violence. White Nationalist Militias that were obviously not part of this planned CRD march initiated the confrontation. But the CRD marchers thus far have not fought back and are using non-violent protest techniques not seen since the Civil Rights era in the 1960s. They are taking quite a beating though – some are down on the ground bleeding, while others march bravely forward and take their places. Homeland Security Police squads are approaching in the distance. What will happen with the march is anybody’s guess at this point.

HSP 1 (talking onto walkie-talkie)
Yeah – Roger, Roger – we got a 1059 in progress near the start point of march – HSP group C going in to try to defuse situation.

HSP CAPTAIN (on walkie-talkie)
Copy that C Group leader – approach with caution, start with shields and gas to disperse crowd engaged in illegal action. Only use rubber bullets as last resort and no lethal force unless absolutely necessary!

The two sections in the march where the mayhem between the militia, marchers and now the police is occurring are quickly the focus of the media coverage. Many expected this confrontation, but millions of viewers are shocked by the ugly violence perpetrated upon the peaceful marchers by the militias and now even the police who are beating and

even shooting rubber bullets indiscriminately into the crowds. The social media landscape is exploding with live posted comments mostly condemning the militias and police and expressing support and solidarity with the CRD marchers.

PRESIDENT FAICE and members of his STAFF are watching it all go down live from the White House. The president makes a call to HSP headquarters.

Mr. President – the social media is on fire with most comments against the militias and our police, probably because the marchers are not fighting back and are being beaten up by the militias and now shot at with rubber bullets by Homeland Security for all to see!

My God – this not good! Not good at all! The election is just a few weeks away! We can’t have this! Get HSP on the red line quickly!

Yes sir!

Yes Mr. President? We are on top of the situation and…

Be quiet and listen! Disregard any former orders and protocols! These marchers are not fighting back and are sticking to their hippie protest techniques! The public is appalled as am I seeing this chaotic, bloody travesty play out on the live streams. The plan for shutting down the march based on violent actions from the marchers is not happening Captain, so I want you to focus on shutting down the stupid militias - who are doing all the violence and stop your homeland security people from blindly shooting citizens with your God Damn rubber bullets - for Christ sakes!

But Mr. President sir – we…

No if, ands or buts Captain! Just do what I said – RIGHT FUCKING NOW!


The HSP receives the order and breaks up the militia mobs, captures, cuffs them and puts them all in military trucks and brings them to jail. The injured protesters are taken away by ambulances and brought to the nearest hospital. The CRD March recovers itself; as two million citizen demonstrators united pour into the nation’s capitol mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial, as the morning sun rises in a blue cloudless sky, positive vibrations rule the day.

JOE PALENTI gives the first speech of the day. Here we hear his wrap up. Then we jump past many great speeches and musical performances by various civic leaders and artists throughout the day to SENATOR JONES final speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Finally, my fellow citizens, the reason I helped start this amazing CRD movement and organized this march, along with my co-chairs is the same reason I served my country over seas. It’s because I believe the Constitution is the greatest secular social contract ever written. (applause) We are a nation of laws and as our country evolves, so does our Constitution with new amendments. Our founders created a brilliantly structured three-tier government with equal powers. They built in these checks and balances to assure that liberty and justice prevails, and that no one is above the law. (applause) When I was young and ignorant, I went overseas and fought in what were and are unjust wars and I killed many human beings – some bad guys as well as some innocents. I did it all thinking I was fighting for the country that my parents raised me to love but not to question. I will carry the guilt for the rest of my life of both seeing my fellow soldiers die next to me on the battle field and the spiritual burden of knowing I killed innocent human beings caught up in the cross fire of evil war. I think most mature, intelligent people agree that killing is the worse sin or act one can commit. Killing and death is final. There’s no remedying the situation – no chance of reconciliation or forgiveness. Yet we humans continue to primitively slaughter one another to resolve issues and disagreements. I made a pledge to myself a few years ago to talk publicly about my personal experience of the hell that is war so as to raise awareness that it is evil and that there are other, better, proven peaceful methods to solve problems. Today, this glorious and successful record setting, non-violent protest march in 2068 is a testament to this fact. I don’t want to see anymore poor young men with little economic options and testosterone flowing through their veins and developing brains to sign up to be soldiers because they are desperate to get out of poverty and make a living and raise a family. I can tell you from personal experience it is not worth it. Defending the homeland from invaders is one thing but dropping bombs on innocent people all over the world for resources, money and power is not right and must end forever. I am now a militant pacifist adherent practicing Gandhi’s Satyagraha truth force philosophy. (applause) We the people shall regain our basic inalienable rights and freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights! (applause) We will move forward and progress getting back on the clean energy green track and make quality of life improvements and rapid relocation plans for the millions of us living in the tent cities - after we elect Senator Letisha Jones as our next president of the United States of America! God bless you all and God bless the USA! Our best days are yet to come! (applause)

We now jump ahead to the end of the civic leader speakers and artists with SENATOR JONES ending the day’s CRD March events with an election stump style speech just a few weeks before the presidential election of 2068 in November. She wheels herself out top the podium to huge applause and using her bionic backbone device stands up to speak.

Good Day to you all! What a tremendous success! Congratulations! A record setting two million plus from all over the country attending our Citizens Restore Democracy March! First, I would like to thank the leaders of the CRD organization, Mr. Joe Palenti, Leslie Topp and all the Tent City Co-Chairs that made this event possible! (applause) Next, let’s hear it for all the inspiring speeches and performances today! (applause) We did however, have a couple of small altercations early in the day with white nationalist militias looking to spoil our march but they failed miserably because of your movement’s inner strength, conviction and adherence to non-violent protesting!(applause) Unfortunately, some people were injured but thank God the latest reports say that none are in serious
life threatening condition and all should recover soon. (applause) It is dumbfounding to me that these white separatists have had a small resurgence here in the late 21st century. Let me repeat the word small. These people, who live in fear, somehow think that this country is theirs. This was BS around three to four hundred years ago when our country was taken by force from the native populations and was founded by yes – educated, upper class white men originally from Britain, but was built upon the backs and sweat equity of people of color who had to fight for their rights for hundreds of years afterword. Mr. Jefferson’s inspired Declaration of Independence where he wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These were Enlightenment ideals but were not part of our Constitution, and thus carried no legal weight. It also did not include women or people of color. People of color and women had to suffer slavery and second class citizenship until after the Civil War in the late 1860s and early 1870s when the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were added to our Constitution, first freeing the slaves and then guaranteeing the rights of all natural born citizen persons regardless of color or gender, yet women still did not have the right to vote until 1920, around fifty years later. The Civil War was a dark period of reckoning for our country after 200 plus years of slavery, with huge losses and sacrifices on both sides of the conflict, including the gentlemen behind me – President Abraham Lincoln who paid the ultimate price for leading this nation forward toward the light, guided by his inner moral compass. Mr. Lincoln was not only on the right side of history - he was on the right side of the mystery. Yes, I am a spiritual person, but I respect and adhere to the separation of church and state the founders so intelligently built into our constitution. The sacred and secular are very different realms but neither are they mutually exclusive, because one can and does influence the other if one is being honest. The 14th Amendment made the progressive ideal a reality - that all persons are created equal and all will have equal protection under the law as pertains to life, liberty and property etc. This 14th and all the other added amendments and acts that followed over the next 100 years finally gave black people and women the right to vote, ended segregation, and protected black people’s Civil and voting rights and more recently finally gave blacks official apologies and reparations for slavery, which allowed me to attend an Ivy League Law school. And so, the glorious intuitive vision and ideal that all people are created equal that Mr. Jefferson declared at our country’s infancy has come to fruition hundreds of years later. (applause) And yet economic based inequalities, some related to racism, still plague our society today even in the late 21st century! The recent Green Revolution era was the most progressive and prosperous period for a majority of American citizens ever in our country’s history! The data and facts speak for themselves - low unemployment, but with decent living wages, which is different from earlier economic boom times that mostly benefited people in the top 1 to 10% elite. The one exception being the post World War II manufacturing boom period. Yet, the original New Deal and later GI Bill that gave birth to a solid middle class – favored white people. So, it was not necessarily a golden age for people of color. Before the Green New Deal era egalitarianism, there was decades of stagnant wages in the late 20th and early 21st century, even though the USA’s economy was strong and worker productivity was always moving upwards. Citizens’ anger at this gross injustice and inequality of working hard full time and barely surviving is partly what led to the Green New Deal. Social Scientists figured out long ago that greed, Global Warming, poverty, and environmentally caused illness were all interconnected. The GND created millions of good paying jobs - installing solar panels, building windmills, retrofitting buildings, building the new electric super grid infrastructure and high-speed maglev mass transit systems to provide fast and affordable clean energy alternatives to heavy carbon footprint flying. These Green New Deal jobs could not be shipped overseas to exploit cheap labor in poor countries and allowed our country to pull back from the brink of Global Warming disaster. It was a rare win-win legislative victory. We avoided the worst effects of Global Warming via less extreme weather events, halting the temperature rise and stopping more arctic Ice melting by reducing fossil fuel use by half over a few decades. Not as green or as fast as we hoped based on entrenched and deep pocketed special interest influencers in DC, but the Green Revolution did keep us from going over the Global Warming cliff. That is until our current president and his lackey administration of fossil fuel puppets turned back the clock with massive deregulations and huge tax breaks for the rich. The USA, being a global leader – other countries soon followed suit and broke from international agreements that had held firm for decades. The new fossil fuel extractions around the world created a sudden and rapid 2-degree increase in temperatures in just two years. Our worst fears here in America and elsewhere around the world were manifested in the Great Flood Disasters caused by the melting of huge sections of the arctic ice caps. These great floods that happened a little under two years ago caused our panicked president to enact Draconian measures to deal with the humanitarian crisis, the likes of which have never existed in our country before. All US citizens’ basic rights and freedoms have been curbed and twenty five million displaced citizens from the flood disasters are now living in cramped Tent Cities around the country! And I know from speaking to you in person that you are fed up with the quality of life issues in your camps and the snail’s pace of the relocation process – as you should be! (massive applause) If I am elected president, I would make dealing with these top issues affecting so many millions my top priority and pass major legislation in my first 100 days. First – to bring back habeas corpus – the cornerstone of justice and democracy and secondly - get rid of all curfews and any restrictions on movement. (applause) These are unconstitutional and un-American limits on our rights and freedoms and are issues that all Americans from all parties and backgrounds are fed up with! (applause) I promise to allocate resources immediately to make living in these tent cities as comfortable as possible during this transition period and create federal legally binding deadlines for relocation for the 25 million displaced citizens within 5-7 years! A similar timeline promised by the current president who lied and has not delivered! (applause) His priorities lie elsewhere with corrupt big business elites, many of whom are trying to undo all the progress of the last 40 years just to get richer! (applause) Switching gears - I must be frank and honest with you about jobs – something that President Dick Faice and his party are in denial about or are just straight up lying to the American public. Their big tax breaks for corporations will no longer create any trickle down job flow and prosperity for the masses – not that it ever has. Part of what got us this conservative reactionary, backwards reality TV star president was the fact that jobs are disappearing faster than ever before because of Artificial Intelligence and robots taking millions and millions of blue and white collar jobs over the last few decades. We did not really pay heed or notice until the human based job boom of the Green New Deal slowed down. Once most of the major green infrastructure initiatives were finished, people were laid off, spent less money, hence consumed less, and our economy went into a recession for the first time in decades in the early 2060s. Millions of people living paycheck-to-paycheck felt the pinch and lost faith in the green revolution and so voted with their pocket books in mind. Many swing voters acted out in classic American historical amnesia, buying into old Republican myths of trickle down economics that never worked and only put our country into more debt and always leads to Wall Street over speculation, followed by cyclical crashes that we the people always end up paying for in bailouts while the rich stayed rich regardless. The Trickle Down economics concept was always an insult to anyone with common sense. If someone in your community is thirsty – would you offer them just a trickle of water? That is inhumane and an insult to people’s dignity! The days of the top 1% reaping all the wealth from the blood, sweat and tears of the majority 99% of citizens have to end once and for all if we are truly to progress and evolve as a nation and as human beings. (big applause) These top corporate executives are gung-ho religious monopoly capitalists until their companies crash and then over night, they become socialists by being bailed out with corporate welfare by we the taxpayers. And while they land gently with golden parachutes, the rest of us pay the price for their greed and avarice. We have been down this dead end road too many times before and cannot afford another four years with this ineffectual and pathetic president! (applause) I will be straight with you America – because of hi-tech robots, there will be less and less jobs – not more. Therefore, I have a vision - some new ideas about how to readjust to this new jobless reality that is already upon us – let’s call it Fair Share Social Economics. As Americans, historically we derive our sense of identity and purpose from our daily work routines. This work ethic partly influenced from the first Puritan Pilgrims and partly from immigrant industriousness and hustle is what has made America one of the greatest countries on earth. There has been Social Credit concepts floating around for a long time now but based on the robot job take over reality – its time has come. It would be a system based on building social credits that could be used for purchasing goods and bartering services. One could trade vegetables from their garden for a mechanic to fix their air conditioning solar unit or electric car. People could create community organizations and block associations that decide what needs to be done in their neighborhoods and who can do what, where and how etc. Government encrypted Super computers would keep track of citizens’ skill data sets and people could build up social credits to buy things or exchange goods or services. It could all be done via a safe, encrypted blockchain technology that would be easy to implement and bring to scale quickly. I have a group of brilliant minds putting together a great plan right now as I speak to you. Other progressive countries already are or are planning to do variations of the Social credit system as well. It’s a solid solution to keep us busy being productive healthy citizens and not allowing denial of the new robot reality to lead us to chaos because the idle mind is the devil’s playground. Of course, the Universal Basic Income and Social Security will have to be increased as well. Many conservatives will try to derail this new Social Credit Fair Share Economic plan of action. The naysayers with no imagination will ask how are we going to pay for it the same way they could not fathom how to dig our way out of the Depression via the New Deal or how to meet the military needs of World War II within a very short time frame, or how to fund the Green New Deal – all of which we did because we had to - because the price to be paid for not taking action would have been much higher on many levels! (applause) It really is simple - the rich 1% who possess 80% of all wealth on earth are going to pay for it. They made their fortunes in a safe country with excellent infrastructure and an educated work force paid for by the average citizen taxpayer. They also often rigged the system to make more than their fair share of the profits and simultaneously not pay their fair share of taxes. Thus the name is - Fair Share Social Economic Credit System. The halcyon days for the greedy 1% hoarders are over. The US and the world’s citizens’ are fed up with this greed sickness that all major problems can be traced back to! (applause) The social credit system will be a major change in how we live and do our daily business, but I really believe it could be a great opportunity and blessing. There will more quality time to spend with family and friends, more leisure time to pursue hobbies you have been thinking about for years but never have the energy or time to do! It will build communities again like once existed before all the tech gadgets took over our lives and so much work made us dead tired and often grumpy! A kick the dog scenario has played out for too many generations in a majority of Western households! Technology will finally live up to all its hype and free us up to develop ourselves into better human beings – just being! (applause) People could go to college – just to learn about all kinds of things – a liberal arts degree will be cool again! We humans could be on the brink of a quantum leap of consciousness if we go in the right direction. (applause) The old ways and methods of the status quo capitalist dog-eat-dog economic system are no longer relevant or sustainable in the late 21st century AI reality and we the people must come to terms with these facts. We need a balanced egalitarian economic system that will ensure a decent quality of life with dignity for all citizens and enable us to reach our full human potentials. We had a positive and progressive Green era that lasted decades but I still believe our best years are yet to come, where we as a nation truly live up to the original Declaration of Independence ideal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.(applause) As your president I would set the gears in motion to embrace this potentially fantastic future scenario, but I need you to help me get elected! We need to kick it up a notch in these last few weeks and get people out to vote for the progressive party! Progress is the American way! See you at the polls! God bless you and God bless America! (huge applause)

Two million people at the march and millions more around the country watching on their home screens/computers are energized by Senator Jones intelligence, honesty and integrity. The marchers stand celebrating for a while before starting the slow process of filtering out of the capital city and heading back home to their tent city realities around the country with hope in their hearts and determination in their souls to help Ms. Jones win this very important election.

A month later Senator Letisha Jones is elected president by a decent margin. The Progressive and Democratic Socialist parties take both the House and the Senate in congress, insuring that President elect Jones will have carte blanche to enact all her campaign promises – at least for another two years.

Huge celebrations are happening all over the country, especially in the tent cities. Joe Palenti and his CRD VP Leslie Topps are celebrating not only President Jones big win but their new relationship as partners in all aspects of life. The future is wide open.


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