Thursday, March 19, 2020

Episode 6 - TECH RUN-A-MOK





Senator BUTSUKER and Senator SELURSOL, both close allies of the President are meeting with CHAD SMITH, PRISHA CHOPRA and STEVE GEEKOS, the top three Silicon Valley tech giant CEOs in regard to the Senators co-sponsored Chip Tracking Bill to implant micro ID chips into the wrists of the remaining 25 million Tent City citizens.

Gentlemen, we have done all we can. The Chip bill would make it through the Senate but the new House of Representatives won’t even bring it to the floor for a debate!

It’s true – this Bill is a dead duck. We tried guys but we lost the House last election, and this is the new reality.

The reality is that we collectively have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to your campaigns since your party retook the Senate 8 years ago. That does not even include the sweat equity of having our workers do all in their power to sway the elections in your direction via our social media platforms. Therefore, we expect you to follow through on your end of the bargain.

Yeah – need I remind you that we can easily tip the scales of mass media toward the other parties this presidential election cycle unless…

Unless you re-introduce another version of this bill, albeit with a few revisions to appease the masses - just get the bill passed and signed by the president who also owes us big time!

That’s simply not possible – it’s an either/or Bill – either we implant chips in 25 million Americans, or we don’t – there is no compromise. We packaged and presented the Bill with the selling points we all agreed to – eliminate cheating on receiving rations and supplies, high efficiency ID chip technology to reduce waste and the time waiting in lines and using the chips to help relocate Tent City residents. But the American people are not buying it, and the available government research data does not back up our claims!

Yes, Senator Butsuker is right – the key fob IDs are working fine, with virtually no reports of cheating and studies have revealed that a microchip implant would only reduce time waiting in lines by a few seconds – that the Tent City residents have said they will gladly deal with rather than have a chip put in their arms.

And as far as your corporate opaque reasons having to do with your main business interest in this invasive Chip Bill, namely increasing your advertising revenues by tracking 25 million consumers 24/7. Yet the US government does this already through the keyfob tech that have GPS and radio frequency tagging to track the Tent City residents’ movements. This information is kept under lock and key with the highest-level quantum encryption by a bi-partisan commission to ensure citizens’ privacy will be protected until the temporary disaster laws are rescinded. This tracking was only allowed based on the Patriot Act 3, which will surely be revised in the near future as the American public is growing impatient with all the post flood disaster legislation that curbs their basic rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, the House is full of new Progressives and Green Party members again – and they are looking to shake things up with the majority of citizens behind them. Senator Butsuker and I will be lucky if get reelected in this current atmosphere. Let’s face it – you guys and Ms Chopra only supported us and the president with donations to our campaigns to eventually get this Chip Bill through so you could make back some of the advertising fortune you lost decades ago when the Progressives passed the Data as Labor Act, and you lost millions of users, were forced to erase massive amounts of people’s personal data and had to compete with new players switching to mostly monthly subscription plans for your vastly smaller customer base. Not nearly as lucrative as the 24/7 advertising dollars you reaped for decades in exchange for billions of peoples’ free private data.

Senator – what you say may contain some truth, but with all due respect you are not telling us anything we do not already know about the Chip Bill and its merits or lack thereof. We initially offered to take charge of the government keyfob technology for no charge but a few Democratic Socialists and Progressive holdouts in the Senate and House prevented it from happening. Needless to say, we could not support their grass roots campaigns by their own choice and thus the disagreeable outcome. You and Senator Butsuker’s job was to convince the congress and American people that our three-way corporate chip endeavor was the best path forward and you have failed. And FYI - we survived the Data as Labor Act because our companies’ acquisition portfolio was big and diverse – even having been accused of being monopolies by a Senate Judiciary Committee years ago. So, we simply moved our different companies’ headquarters to other, more hospitable countries with much lower tax rates as well. Therefore, not having to break up our huge syndicates and lower tax rates – a win-win for us!

Yes that was very patriotic of you all (sarcasm).

Need we remind you Senators that the President and some of his top advisors supported the Chip Bill because it would have served as a national security tool to monitor the Tent City residents for weapons, something that your gov keyfobs cannot do - in case of an armed uprising?

And as you know there are no guns allowed in the Tent Cities and all residents have to go through metal detectors upon entering the facilities and there has been no uprisings whatsoever in the year plus these Tent Cities have existed, which is another strong reason why this argument holds no water. The only violent clashes have been with outside local militias and the private police forces.

What about all the long-term plans this President’s administration endorsed, which includes you and Senator Butsuker - such as tracking the ignorant social behaviors of the poor receiving welfare? This surely is an easy sell to the other 50% of hard-working, healthy Americans paying high taxes carrying these sick deadbeats and drug addicts on their backs? Ideas like the drug testing, smoking, soda and junk food penalty deductions saving the taxpayers billions, or catching disability cheaters? Billions in tax revenues that could be applied toward education and infrastructure for all citizens?

Yes, yes, yes. We see the merit in these ideas but most of the American public shares one value more than any other – their love of their rights and freedoms. All the polls show a majority claims this Chip Bill is an intrusion of their 4th amendment right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizures etc. And the ratio of poor welfare recipients in these Tent Cities is the same as the general public – around 20% - with another 30% lower middle class receiving some type of extra government assistance in addition to UBI and Social Security and the remaining 50% are the middle middle class that had little or no savings to deal with disasters like the floods.

Yes – we know all the facts and figures Senator – we are just very disappointed that your administration could not get this Bill through before the new congress took over.

You all know that would have been impossible on top of all the other extreme safety measures the President pushed through congress after the great floods that the general public is up in arms about – the curfew, limits on people’s movements and suspending Habeas Corpus were as much messing with basic freedoms as the American people could take – to add on your Chip implant – that you originally had the audacity to suggest being done to all 430 million US citizens - would have been the straw that broke the camel’s back and we would surely have had an armed uprising on our hands!

Well nonetheless – you did not come through for us si-ne qua non, thus this chapter of quid pro quo election cycle monies and help on our media platforms is over. Never mind potential future cushy high paying lobbying jobs.

We don’t use those incriminating Latin terms around here – because it’s illegal gentlemen! As for future lobbying job prospects – let’s not be hasty! Surely there are other Bills that we could push through in the next few months that are more realistic and bi-partisan and still valuable to your companies’ bottom lines? You once mentioned a merger between all three of your companies into one massive multi-national corporation – maybe we could make that happen through the FTC and DOJ channels along with the president working together – while we still can?

That train has come and left the station Senators.

Not necessarily Chad – we did recently discuss an all-out takeover of the multi-trillion dollar Virtual Reality market – because content is now King again and I own most of the most popular content studios, and Chad – you make the best-selling VR headset hardware and Prisha’s company still has the patent for 7 years on the best 3D optic software technology.

That’s true Steve – we already own a significant portion of the market between the three of us and seeing as all the pieces are in place to dominate this vital commercial space – it would make sense to make this happen to get back some of the fortune we invested in elections and wasted on the Chip plan over the last decade.

All right, all right – but we will need some more time to discuss this privately and get back to you Senators about our decision. There is also the issue of whether we will support you in the next elections – which does not look good for your party as it stands right now. It would obviously be contingent on this merger deal going through if and when we decide to move forward with it.

Well, you all better decide ASAP because there’s only a few months left before the election and that’s a minimum amount of time to try to get through such a huge and controversial and some would even say illegal merger through the FTC and DOJ.

Yes – we will get back to you in few days with our decision. Otherwise it’s adios amigos!

Very well then gentlemen, concluding - we are all agreed that the Chip implant Bill is dead in the water and could not be passed at this time. So, we will hopefully move forward on this merger proposal to keep America on top in the global economy and keep our mutually beneficial relationship with some of our most generous campaign donors intact to the benefit of all parties involved.


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