Saturday, March 21, 2020

Episode 4 - Oval Office Monkey Business

TENT CITY - EPISODE 4 – Oval Office Monkey Business



Similar Drone/Bird’s Eye shot loops around back to WHITE HOUSE – oval office window.


President RICHARD FAICE & Vice President WILLIAM KELLY and the president’s Chief of Staff KEVIN RALPHS are having an Internet conference meeting with CHARLES WHITE in Aspen.

Charles, I agree that something must be done to stop this march from happening. Especially since the chip implant is not going to happen. Kevin – what’s the word of the permits?

Sorry to say it’s a no go because it’s too late Mr. President. Cynthia Sanchez runs that department and she is a diehard Democratic Socialist. She would go right to the press and the fallout would be crazy – not good a month before the election!

Then I suggest plan B Dick.

It’s Mr. President when I’m on the clock Charles – Okay? Remind me of plan B again?

Pardon me…uh Mr. President. Wow - just seems like yesterday I was writing you a big check for your campaign – oh snap! It was yesterday!

Yes Charles – You have been my biggest supporter since day one but there still is official protocol to consider. I have access to the nuclear codes – not you. The buck stops here as they say. Anyways, just tell me what you have in mind to stop this march!

Well, I won’t go into details for your own good Mr. President. But what I can tell you - is a good friend of mine in the secret service, who is high on the ladder - owes me a favor. As you may know, my people have already started the character assassination of Palenti in the social media. So whatever congress leaders and fellow military comrades that felt this guy is a middle class hero will soon think he’s a big fat radical zero!

Based on my AI data research, these negative ads and troll comments are actually firing up his base, which is actually bigger than ours in pure numbers, thereby nullifying any gains in making him out to be the boogie man and accomplishing your goal of bringing him down - sir.
Ah yes – Kevin Ralphs, the boy wonder data scientist that got his first big break - working for me! Now a loyal lap dog to the president. Crushing people is my specialty, so you stick to your day-to-day analysis little Kevin and leave the big picture to me. I’ve played this hand many times in the past and it has yet to fail.

Alright, alright Charles – what’s this about a secret service agent? Nothing illegal, I hope.

Like I said – You need not know the details but when in the past has the law stopped us from accomplishing our goals? Laws are for the unruly masses. We, the modern capitalist aristocracy dictate the flow of history. I have no ill will toward the serfs unless they dare to impede on the powers that be. A natural survival of the fittest hierarchy has been established in the world, where might does make right.

Enough Charles, chances are this conversation is being recorded and not everyone in the secret service is on our side.

As history has shown, there are enough of them to keep the hegemonic structures established in place. After all we can’t have these lesser, mixed race mongrels running the show again – can we?
With all due respect Sir – science has shown that genetic diversity is actually better for any species in the long run.

I’m not concerned about the long run Kevin. I am concerned about the next and last 20 years of my life. Thoroughbred horses win the top races for a reason.

Until the inbreeding catches up to them.

Enough! - Charles, I know you will do what needs to be done as you always have. But do me a favor and keep me out of the loop. I don’t have the trillions you do to buy my way out of whatever sketchy scenario you may have in mind.

We do have our work cut out for us this time. We lost the congress last election, even with voter suppression and our usual bag of tricks. The pressure is on to get all of our people to the polls this time. Otherwise all our plans will be foiled. Did our party not learn our lesson back in the 2020s when we lost our country to the radicals? Our people got too soft and were not willing to play hardball. That’s how we won four years ago after a 30-year run with the Socialists soaking us dry with high taxes and killing our industries with all their stupid regulations! There’s no looking back Dick Faice! My bad - Mr. President!

Yes, a lot is at stake. Vice President Kelly and I are just a few million short of being billionaires and securing our own families position in the power circles. Both my son and Will’s daughter are being groomed for office. I know you are doing the same with Amelia to take over the corporation – how is she by the way? That girl is going places - so smart and pretty!

Unfortunately, we have hit a bump in the road in our relationship. It seems she was brainwashed by some of her liberal left minded professors at college and has lost the appetite for taking over the family business. So, we had a few heated words and now she is living with friends and plans to live a middle-class pauper existence in rebellion to her father and the corporation.

From the brief time I got to know Amelia while working for you, she did not seem very enthusiastic about the whole family enterprise to begin with.

You are treading on thin ice Kevin. Be very careful about the next words that come out of your arrogant little mouth.

Stop! We all need to be on the same page and there is little time left before the election! Our plans to mitigate climate change through Geo-engineering have no chance of getting through this congress. We can’t sell the fossil fuel extraction package without these scientific solutions to Global Warming. We need to convince the skeptical voters on the fence that we in the Republican Party are aware of and want to take steps to lessen the negative effects of Global Warming. After the devastating floods, denying it is no longer an option. Kevin – how are we looking in the swing states?

Florida does not look good because the blacks and even many of the conservative Latinos are fired up against us because of Miami and other coastal cities being wiped out by the floods and the delays in relocation from Tent Cities etc. Pennsylvania is neck and neck because of anger from the natives about the New New York and New Jersey/Virginia Tent Cities and what they see as a huge government overreach as far as Eminent Domain goes. Ohio looks pretty good but there is a rising grass roots movement angry about the loss of civil liberties. Honestly Mr. President – it does not look good right now but maybe if we up our rally stops in the close states along with the Vice President and saturate the media with what Mr. White refers to as hardball ads – we can change the tide in your favor over the next few months. Anything can happen as history has shown in the past.

Speaking of hardball, have you found anything in Senator Jones closet?
No, not at all Mr President - seems her religious beliefs have kept her on the straight and narrow path sir.

Then it’s time to fabricate something because time is running out and we cannot afford to lose this election!

Again, I can’t afford a scandal months or days before the election! We have been a divided, partisan country for a long time and there are just too many legal minorities working at every level of society now, especially the media! At least they used to be the minority, so any false story will only come back to haunt us! Senator Jones is half Mexican after all, so she has most their votes except the diehard Catholics that come to our side because of the abortion issue, but their numbers have dwindled considerably over the years. We have to win this the old-fashioned way – rallies, powerful ads and door to door knocking to get our remaining conservative whites off their old, fat VR asses to vote and keep the power where it belongs – with the people who founded this great country!

Now you’re talking Mr. President!

Hear, Hear!

Let’s do this gentlemen! First things first – this march and Senator Jones pep rally must not happen! Charles – do what you got to do. There’s too much at stake!

Don’t worry. It’s already in the works D…, Mr. President.

Good Afternoon gentlemen, this conversation never took place. (looks at everyone for confirmation – all nod in agreement but Kevin does not seem as sure as the rest)


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