Friday, March 13, 2020

Episode 12 - The Good Die Young

Episode 12 – The Good Die Young


AMELIA is sitting at a table at the agreed to fancy DC restaurant Prizi’s waiting for KEVIN. She tries calling him to see why he is late.

This is followed by a scene 20 hours earlier with two big thugs with baseball hats approaching KEVIN as he walks towards his car in the back parking lot of Wal-V-S pharmacy.

(texting on phone frustrated – leaving message)
Kevin? It’s now 8:30 & sitting here at the table you reserved at Prizi’s for a half hour - wondering where you are? Don’t plan to wait much longer! Hope this is not some petty revenge blow about Trevor. Uh - sorry I went there, but I’m not used to being stood up. I will assume you are being held up by something very important and your phone died and will wait another 15 minutes.

20 hours earlier in parking lot behind Wal-V-S pharmacy two big thugs approach KEVIN from behind.

Hey Kevin Ralphs!

KEVIN (turning around)

It’s him.

THUG 1 slaps him hard in the face knocking him to the ground.

What the hell?!!! Why did you do that? Who the hell are you?

KEVIN gets up slowly

Don’t worry about who we are. I hit you to establish we’re here on serious business and have some serious information for you.

THUG 2 knocks him down again.

What the fuck! Touch me again and I will fight back! Just tell me what you have to say and fuck off!

You know stuff you should not know.

What stuff? (gets up again)

Things your stupid friend Trevor told you.

Trevor? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Maybe this will help you remember! (punches him in the gut)

KEVIN recovers and attacks THUG 1 only to be tossed easily aside over a car’s front hood section.

Try that again and we will severely hurt you! You know what we are talking about – stuff about Mr. White, the DC march and Joe Palenti.

Sorry – don’t know what you’re talking about you big ugly piece of shit!

KEVIN attacks again and this time strikes a good blow right in the jaw of THUG 1 and then manages to kick THUG 2 in the balls and tries to make a run for it but THUG 1 grabs him by his loose shirt and proceeds to beat him down and THUG 2 joins in. KEVIN continues to fight back in vain.

THUG 1 (while beating Kevin)
Listen you little punk ass geek – You better not tell anyone anything about what you heard because if you do, next time - we will waste you – understand?

You threaten my life you wannabe gangsters? Well guess what? I already spilled the beans - so eat Shit bitches!

KEVIN sprays them both in the face with pepper spray but only gets THUG 1 in the eyes. THUG 2 then grabs his arm and breaks it. In agony KEVIN bites him out of desperation and pain. This pushes THUG 2 to rage level and he beats KEVIN’S head bloody against a car door repeatedly until Kevin is gasping for air and passes out. THUG 1 has cleared out his eyes at a nearby water fountain and rushes back to the scene.

Stop! We were just supposed to ruff him up a bit so he wouldn’t talk!

THUG 1 gets down to see if he is still alive – and it turns out he is not – KEVIN is dead.

You killed him you dumbass! This is an important guy! Oh fuck me!

Well – we know he talked so what fuckin’ difference does it make? Motherfucker bit me! I didn’t beat him that hard – the dented car door absorbed most of it!

Some people that were watching from a distance start to walk toward the violent scene.

Come on – people are approaching – let’s go! Grab his wallet and ID so it will buy us a little time to get out of town!

THUG 2 grabs KEVIN’S wallet and they both run and jump in their car and zoom off.

KEVIN lies dead on the ground bleeding from his head and people surround him and cop car sirens are heard approaching the scene.

Back to 20 hours later with AMELIA upset and leaving the restaurant. On her way out she sees a NEWS REPORTER referencing KEVIN’s face on the TV screen over the bar.

The victim turns out to be Kevin Ralphs, Social Data expert and one of President Faice’s top cabinet advisors. The two perpetrators seen here via security cameras took his wallet with his ID, but the people who worked at the pharmacy instantly recognized him as a regular customer who came in for his asthma medicine. According to the coroner’s report just out today, Mr. Ralph’s asthma is actually what killed him and not the major beating he suffered by the two thugs - that have already been apprehended. The police have yet to reveal what the reason for this violent attack was about and are still investigating the crime. The criminals have hired a lawyer and have thus far refused to talk.

AMELIA (a tear rolls down her cheek)
Oh my God. Oh my God. This is crazy! This is fucking crazy! What the fuck!

People at the bar turn around and look at her. She rushes out the door to go home confused, bewildered and frightened.


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